The beauty of Africa lies in its rich cultural diversity and inclusion. Africa is just like a billionaire that is ignorant of the value of her wealth in the bank. Understanding the beautiful concept of Pan Africanism will stimulate a new drive to cherish our rich history, common identity, aspirations, cultural heritage, consciousness and respect for religious diversity.
The Africa and Implementation of Agenda 2063 Committee under the Umbrella organization of Democracy Africa Youth Parliament (DAYP) condemns and is disheartened that we still hear of xenophobic attacks, terrorists’ attacks, cattle rearers clashing with farmers, tribal wars and nepotism at present. We must take a mitigating and adaptive measures to address the growing increase of these sinister attacks. Present African leaders must engage in an inter-generational dialogue with Youths to build a continent that is united and jealously protects its identity and culture.
African values of family, community, hard work, merits, mutual respect and social cohesion should be richly entrenched in our new pathway identity. While our Leaders ensure a total repatriation and safeguard of all our stolen culture, heritage, artefacts. 50 years from now, let’s create a future that our children would be proud of.
Agenda 2063 will surely navigate us through that pathway whiles fully plugged in the Sustainable Development Goals Agenda 2030 and beyond. Africa and Implementation of Agenda 2063 Committee will continue to fully engage the Youth and all stakeholders and Partner organizations to actively spearhead their collective engagement in the realization of “The Africa We Want”. To this end there will be widespread social advocacy initiative and inter-states engagement whiles running social campaigns with hash tag #BeginsWithYou #Agenda2063Committee #KnowTheAgenda2063 #AIA2063
The Africa We Want! #BeginsWithYou
Agenda 2063 is
…both a Vision and an Action Plan. It is a call for action to all segments of African society to work together to build a prosperous and united Africa based on shared values and a common destiny.
(The Heads of State and Governments of the African Union (AU) adopted Agenda 2063 during the 24th Ordinary Assembly held in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia, from 30-31 January 2015)
This social advocacy initiative is under the tutelage of the Chairperson, Africa and Implementation of Agenda 2063 (AIA 2063) Honourable Amb. Akan James, Vice Hon. Ohiri Chidera and Honourable Members Ebrima Saidyleigh (Gambia), Ismaila Mbumburen Silas (Nigeria), Aboh Robert Ubem (Nigeria), and Dr. Nneoma Odabe (Nigeria) with oversight support from the Office of The Speaker of Parliament 2nd Assembly, RT. Hon. John Aggrey.
- A prosperous Africa based on inclusive growth and sustainable development
- An integrated continent, politically united and based on the ideals of Pan-Africanism and the vision of Africa’s Renaissance
- An Africa of good governance, democracy, respect for human rights, justice and the rule of law
- A peaceful and secure Africa
- An Africa with a strong cultural identity, common heritage, shared values and ethics
- An Africa whose development is people-driven, relying on the potential of African people, especially its women and youth, and caring for children
- Africa as a strong, united and influential global player and partner
“Agenda 2063 strives to enable Africa remain focused and committed to the ideals it envisages in the context of a rapidly changing world”